Make change happen now

Show MEPs that encryption is a powerful tool that helps people thrive.

Join the #CelebrateEncryption action and share photos of you and your friends promoting privacy and celebrating encryption. Write in the comment of your post why encryption is important to you.

Offline Action

Online Action


A little girl in the foreground gazes defiantly at the camera while a house in the background goes up in flames. On the house the words 'privacy and security', on the little girl 'European Commission'. Stop Scanning Me campaign logo bottom left.
A girl is walking in the foreground in a red shirt. In the background a couple, the boy is turned to look at the girl in the red jumper, the girl next to him looks at him dumbly. On the girl in the red shirt the words 'scanning private messages and controlling how citizens use the internet', on the boy the words 'European Commission', on the girl next to him 'fundamental rights'. On the top left is the Stop Scanning Me campaign logo.
Image divided into two parts horizontally. At the bottom a drawing of a worried man, above him the words 'European Commission chatcontrol', at the top a choice between two red buttons: 'general monitoring of every citizen' and 'investigating where the crime actually happens'. On the top left is the Stop Scanning Me campaign logo.
Image divided into two parts horizontally. On the top left a man in an orange jacket is contrite, above him the logo of the European Commission, on the right 'invest in: social workers, help for victims, support Hotlines etc.'. Below, on the left the same man with the same logo is satisfied, on the right 'buy chatcontrol filter technology that doesn't solve the problem'. The Stop Scanning Me campaign logo on the bottom left.


Purple banner, top left of the Stop Scanning me campaign logo illuminating the words 'Join Stop Scanning Me to save your privacy online'.

Mailing 1 (200x600)

Purple banner, top left of the Stop Scanning me campaign logo illuminating the words 'Stop Scanning Me sign for more security online'.

Mailing 2 (200x600)

Purple banner, top left of the Stop Scanning me campaign logo illuminating the words 'join Stop Scanning Me to save your privacy online'.

Twitter (1500x500)

Social Media Posts

Purple illustration, 'Stop Scanning Me' at the top centre, the campaign logo illuminates a telephone and two humanoid figures talking. Bottom right 'Join the movement!'. Purple illustration, top centre reads 'Join the movement! Stop Scanning Me', with campaign logo on the top left. In the bottom centre three humanoid figures, on them a chat icon.

Bądź na bieżąco!

Śledź najświeższe wiadomości z kampanii Stop Scanning Me i dowiedz się, jak możesz wesprzeć inicjatywę oraz przyczynić się do budowania bezpiecznego internetu dla wszystkich.

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