
In 2023, we plan to expand our coalition, coordinate weeks of actions, and organise mass mobilisations to stop the EU's law which aims to enable the mass surveillance of everyone's private communications.

By supporting us you can make change happen. Donate to the organisations part of the movement to helps us make the internet a safe place for all.

Association for Technology and Internet (ApTI)


Bits of Freedom

(The Netherlands)

Chaos Computer Club (CCC)



Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

(United States)

Digitale Gesellschaft






Elektronisk Forpost Norge (EFN)


European Sex Workers' Rights Alliance (ESWA)


Föreningen för Digitala Fri- och Rättigheter (DFRI)


Homo Digitalis


La Quadrature du Net


Privacy Network


Maison Lanceurs d'alerte


Danes je nov dan


IT-Political Association of Denmark


European Digital Rights (EDRi)

The "Stop Scanning Me" campaign is coordinated by EDRi (Europe)

Bleib informiert!

Das Neueste zur „Stop Scanning Me“-Kampagne und Informationen, wie du mithelfen kannst, das Internet zu einem sicheren Raum für alle zu machen.
